Why Groups??
Connect through creativity, art & culture!
Hassan here, the main mover behind Culture Bolt, with an introduction to Groups and what it’s all about. Firstly, it’s a practical way to stay organized and connected with people who take classes, attend events, and work on creative projects. More importantly, it’s a way to help people connect, support, and collaborate. One of the things that excites me most as an artist and organizer is what happens when diverse people have the opportunity to spark new connections and that’s my main motivator behind growing Groups!
That’s easier said than done… I’ve been searching for the right platform to use for this project for a few years. Most have been overly complicated to use and too expensive to maintain. After starting and discarding a different platform that proved too overwhelming, I discovered Heartbeat.chat about a year ago. Since then, I’ve been quietly kicking the tires on Heartbeat while watching the founders impressively develop and improve it. At this point, I am convinced Heartbeat is just the right fit and I’m excited to use it for building a diverse and thriving creative community online and off!
Read on if you’d like to learn more or get involved.
So, What Is “Groups” Exactly?
“Groups” is a virtual space for supporting real-world connections and creativity. It’s for sparking conversations between like-minded people who share passions and interests. It’s an alternative way to share, outside of mainstream social media channels–no ads and no algorithms–just people you can connect with on art, culture, and creativity.
What can You do in Groups?
- Join groups that fuel your creative passions
- Get deals and discounts on arts-related classes and events
- Support your creative practice
- Meet and connect with other adventurous art lovers and goers
- Participate in virtual and IRL art meet-ups
- Take virtual art classes and courses to develop your creativity
- Discover and share new art & artists
- Moderate your own arts group (contact if interested)
- Earn money by helping to grow the creative community
Ways To Participate AND PARTNER
There are up to 4 ways you can participate in Groups. You can join as a community member, an artist, an organizer/moderator, and a course creator.
- Join as a community member (free)
- Join as an artist (free – self-identifying/working or aspiring professional)
- Community Organizer/Moderator (host your group free or paid)
- Course Creator (free or paid)
Reach out if you’re interested in being a community organizer/moderator or hosting a virtual course.
Now! Groups launched recently!! To start, the focus is on growing the number of community members and there are currently 2 tiers you can join. The first is a free community tier. The second is the PLUS (paid) membership tier.
Why join Culture Bolt Plus?
Culture Bolt Plus makes classes super affordable for members and helps sustain and grow new programs and events. Theater, media, and music classes are coming soon! The Culture Bolt Plus member discount applies to ALL classes (not just dance).
Plus members get 35% off ALL class registration options, and up to 35% off on select paid events in addition to a few other member perks for $35/month or $300/year. Essentially, Plus membership is designed to help active members save money and fuel their creative passions. Even if this isn’t you (yet) 😉 you still get a 10% thank-you discount on ALL classes for creating an account and helping Groups launch and grow!
Ready to connect on Groups? Sign up for free OR subscribe to Plus then create your account and we’ll add you to the Plus member space on Groups.