Mix Media Lab | adventures in creative media, is a series of workshops and lessons in new and mixed-media art making. Media Lab takes participants through an introduction to the technical aspects of basic media arts practices including photography, video, audio, graphic and web design. Mix Media Lab is for exploring the range of creative possibilities from analog to digital and experimental combinations in between.
Explore and register for current Mix Media Lab classes below or via the calendar.
Culture Bolt Plus members get an even deeper discount! Join Culture Bolt Plus for 35% off classes and event registration.
MIX Media Lab CLASS MeNu

Bimble Snap!
Walking Intro to photography
Walk, wonder and snap photos as you explore the city and creative ways of capturing images. This class empowers first-timers, dabblers and more experienced camera junkies with new and creative approaches to photography, No experience required, any camera will do.
Each session explores a few new creative approaches to inspire and direct the eye.
Artsy scavenger hunt meets beginner photography bootcamp! Join us for this fun intro to photography and how to see and capture images for creative purposes. Creativity is a state of mind (and body)! Walking is one of the best ways to get in that zone… We’ll cultivate this creative state of flow as a group while we bimble (British word for wander) and snap photos of anything eye catching!
Participants will learn how to work the camera to capture and compose standalone images, or pics for later use in art and graphic design projects. Come cultivate and explore your creative flow.
Meets every other Sunday 4pm to 6pm
Please wear comfortable walking shoes and weather appropriate attire.
Registration Info
$35 per person | $60 for 2 | 8 sessions for $200

Hypr Creativ
Intro To Digital Art Making
Hypr Creativ workshops cover how to create digital art using various web-based and mobile phone apps. Participants will learn the creative process, from capture to creation, for making art and designs using images, sounds, and text sourced from online and IRL resources.
Registration Info
$35 per person | $60 for 2