
Featured Deals & Special Discounts

10% Off 10 Class Dance Cards



Save $20 when you create a free profile in our online community space, Culture Bolt Groups. What is Culture Bolt Groups? In a nutshell, it’s a private virtual community space for supporting IRL connections and creative practice. It’s free to join, and you get 10% OFF all classes and class passes when you create a community member profile. You can learn more about groups here or follow these 3 quick steps now to grab your discount.

STEP 1: Create an account here.

STEP 2: Grab the discount code inside Groups.

STEP 3: Apply the discount code at checkout.

Your card is valid for 90 days from purchase. No refunds or extensions.

WANT A BIGGER DISCOUNT? Get 35% OFF all classes when you join Culture Bolt Plus.


How does it work after purchase?

After purchase you’ll be directed to a page where you can download a digital punch card for your IOS or Android wallet and use it to track your classes and expiration dates.

How do I sign up for class with my card?

Just RSVP per usual through the calendar and click “use my pass”. Then indicate 10 Class Card as your pass type on the RSVP form. After you attend class, a credit will be removed from your card.

Do I have to use the digital punchcard?

Nope. It’s super convenient and makes it easier for you (and us) to track your classes, but we can also track it based on your RSVPs.

Do you offer refunds or extensions if I can’t use all the classes within 90 days of activation?

Sorry, no refunds or extensions on this sweet dealio.

Can I use my card for me and a guest?

Sure! You can bring a first-time guest with your 10 class card. Just RSVP 2x’s for the same session and let the instructor know on site.

More Questions? Email help (at) culturebolt (dot) com